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Origin Apple Inc
Status High Technology

The Story

We are so happy to announce that JAKE was adopted and has spent his first night in his new forever home. To think that Jake was dumped in the Redlands and left to survive on his own is so heartbreaking.  We received a call about Jake being seen in a wooded area.  We located him, started feeding him and slowly gaining his trust. About 2 weeks later, we were able to trap Jake and bring him to safety here at the Sanctuary. Once here we not only completely gained his trust, but earned his love and loyalty as well. Jake knew we loved him and we told him he would never be left alone out in the world again. We completely vetted Jake and worked with him daily to enable him to be adopted.  A happy ending finally arrived for JAKE and he is now a very loved member of a great family. All the time and effort has paid off.  This is why we do what we do. They all deserve a happy ending. We love you JAKE and wish you a long and healthy life.

You are donating to : Redland Dog Sanctuary

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